This is a art-loft-live-work-industrial-garden housing solution called Containers In Common, referring back to the social space “commons” ( It shows 30 units on a small urban infill site. This concept could be adapted to serve as housing for seniors, veterans or as temporary/emergency housing.
The units are combined into a woven mat of spaces that link living, working, gardening and cooking in plan and section.
- Co-housing mat
- Living Spaces
- Working Spaces
- Garden Spaces
- Kitchen Spaces
The units contain basic living needs bed, bath, storage, snacks and the shared spaces contain indoor/outdoor living rooms and kitchens.
Community spaces are low-maintenance and “wild” giving permission to residents for their own localized modifications: graffiti, installations, more gardens, etc.
- entering from the street
- inside the design – a shared space
- community center
Articles about co-housing around America: